¿Te interesa realizar un curso online de tècnicas del tejido en telar con Anna Champeney?

Si te interesa aprender técnicas de diseño y tejido en telar de bajo lizo online, escríbanos y suscribir a nuestro boletín. ¿Te interesa aprender a tejer online y aprender técnicas profesionales de diseño?

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Telar Louet Spring – warping up with a 20 metre warp is straightforward when you use the Louet raddle!

“We love Louet looms” – Handwoven textile designer Anna Champeney and university textile graduate, Rosie Shayler (University of Falmouth).  

Photos:  Anna Champeney Estudio Textil, north Spain, 15 August 2015

Louet loom dealer in Spain


A 20 metre merino wool warp goes on without problems thanks in part to the Louet Spring loom inbuilt raddle system


No “combing” tangled warps with the back-to-front warpign system used with the Louet Spring – a well-made warp just requires tugging and shaking at intervals to get the yarns lined up again to wind on.  So much easier!



Intensive natural indigo dyeing course in north Spain (in Spanish) by Textilesnaturales


Samples of wool, rustic linen and cotton fabrics dyed during the course

A wonderful day for the course here in Galicia, northwest Spain.

Our group of pupils was international – coming from Galicia, England, Portugal and other regions of Spain.   By coincidence all our students are professionals in the fashion industry.  Although with blues in fashion once again and an ever growing interest in natural processes and dyes perhaps it´s not such a surprise.

We´ve had a great day – and achieved some wonderful rich and delicate natural greens and blues from indigo.

As always in Anna Champeney courses the emphasis of the course is on teaching techniques and experimenting to produce samplers which can be used for future reference.

If you feel inspired and would like to book one of our indigo courses then contacta con nosotros to ask about future dates and other textile courses in north Spain.  You can also follow us on facebook


Rosie´s sampler


Paula´s sampler with yellow ground dye prior to indigo-dyeing


Linen (in foreground) and wool (background)

Sara y Jacobo with cotton before dyeing



Hilo de lino teñido con índigo con otras muestras detrás


The first stage of dyeing greens with indigo is, of course, dyeing with yellow as a ground colour.  There are many different natural dyes for dyeing different greens – but each will produce a different hue.


International flavour.  After the course we all contributed some food and drink and enjoyed an evening of good company, wine, chorizo, local bread and cheese by the workshop as the sun went down.


The view over the villlage on the day of the course


The magical process of dyeing with indigo.  As you pull the dyed skein or fabric out of the bath you see it change colour under your very eyes.



Colchas gallegas – un campo de color: repaso novo, felpa galega, gorullo, farrapeiras…. a tradición textil e cultura

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Cristosende, Ribeira Sacra – colchas gallegas (día de la conservación de cubrecamas antiguas en Anna Champeney Estudio Textil, verano 2015).

Hoy es un día especial en el calendario de trabajo en de textilesnaturales en Galicia.

Es cuando se puede apreciar un campo lleno de cubrecamas de lino y lana de colores.

¿La razón? Es el día de airearla colección de cubrecamas antiguas gallegas  y protegerlas contra la polilla.

Las cubrecamas gallegas forman parte de su cultura y patrimonio textil.  Hace falta cuidar y mimar vuestra cultura.

Y claro, ¿qué es la mejor manera de poner en valor la tradicion textil de Galicia?


Más información:  Desde textilesnaturales ofrecemos cursos intensivos y enseñanza uno-a-uno de cómo tejer las técnicas de tejido gallego con Anna Champeney.

i quieres estar informad@ escríbanos un correo.